Man charged with illegal trade of endangered Green Sea Turtle in Malindi

The case is set for mention on September 12, 2024. He was granted bail of Sh100,000 or a bond of Sh200,000.
A man has been charged with the illegal possession and trade of a live green sea turtle, a critically endangered species.
Kazungu Mwavuo Ngala, a middle-aged resident, was arraigned before Malindi Resident Magistrate, Grace Mutemi, where he denied all charges.
Ngala is accused of trading in a protected wildlife species without the necessary permit, contrary to the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act of 2013, while riding a motorbike.
The charge sheet alleges that on September 1, 2024, at around 5.30 pm, in the Come Back area of Malindi Sub-County, Ngala was caught with a live green sea turtle weighing 6.5 kilogrammes.
The particulars of the first count read, "On September 1, 2024, at approximately 5.30 p.m, at Come Back, GPS coordinates 37M 0062209 UTM 9941768, Malindi location, Malindi sub-county, Kilifi County, the accused was found dealing in one live green turtle, weighing 6.5 kilogrammes, with a curved carapace width of 38 cm and a length of 40 cm, using a motorbike registered KMFF 614M, without a valid permit or lawful exemption."
Ngala also faces a second count of being in possession of the green turtle at the same location and time.
The case is set for mention on September 12, 2024. He was granted bail of Sh100,000 or a bond of Sh200,000.
Abigael Cate, Project Manager at Local Ocean Conservation, commented on the arrest, "This suspect was apprehended following a tip-off from concerned members of the public. The turtle had been transported from the Kipini area in Tana River County."
Cate further stated that they plan to request permission to present video and photographic evidence in court to avoid the unnecessary movement of the endangered animal. "We hope this arrest sends a strong message to those who continue to engage in illegal wildlife trade in Kenya," she added.
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